Rechercher une Offre d'emploi

Collège Alpin Beau Soleil

1884 - Villars-sur-Ollon

Activité : Enseignement / Education / Formation

At Beau Soleil, our Summer Camp is huge fun! We welcome children aged 8 to 17 from around the world to an exceptional environment
where they are challenged, encouraged and supported through a wide range of activities and experiences. Beau Soleil Summer Camp
is the experience of a lifetime where international friendships are born and participant’s self-confidence is developed. Key to our success
are the people we employ!



Route du Village 1
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
Collège Alpin Beau Soleil : 5 offres
Summer Camp Monitor

Catégorie : Job saisonnier
Activité : Enseignement / Education / Formation
Filiere : 100% Job étudiant / jeune
Metier : Animateur (BAFA,BASE,DEFA,BPJEPS…)
Pays : Suisse
Nexity Studéa