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Stage M2: The cellular responses to radiation-induced DNA damage during myogenic differentiation H/F

Société : IRSN
Lieu : Hauts-de-Seine (Île-de-France)

Descriptif du poste

Société : IRSN
Catégorie : Stage
Filiere : Fonctions Médicales & Sociales
Lieu : Hauts-de-Seine (Île-de-France)


MissionThe goal of this project is to understand how myotubes, polynuclear cells of skeletal muscle tissue, in comparison to its mono-nuclear precursors, myoblasts, maintain their cellular functions when one or more of their nuclei are damaged upon irradiation. Interaction of ionizing radiation with living matter induces various types of damage, particularly at the DNA level, within cell nuclei. Accordingly, eukaryotic cells have developed a set of complex multi-protein systems to signal and repair most of DNA lesions and thus to maintain the genomic integrity and epigenetic regulation. Recent studies showed that the DNA damage response extends beyond the irradiated cells. As we previously observed differential DNA repair response during myogenic differentiation (Sutcu et al, Life Sci Alliance, ), the candidate will thus investigate whether cell survival and DNA repair kinetics would be impacted by potential inter and intra-cellular communications within this specific tissue.To this aim, the candidate will i) work with an in vitro myogenic differentiation model to generate from proliferative myoblasts (mononuclear and proliferative cells) multi-nucleated and post-mitotic myotubes, which have ectopic expression of DNA repair proteins of interest coupled to GFP and ii) use a microscopy integrated system to induce local DNA lesions within one or more myonuclei. The impact of the inter and intra-cellular communications will be assayed by evaluating the treatment with specific DNA repair and cellular communication inhibitors on a) the survival of different myogenic cells upon irradiation at different doses using MTT assay and b) the dynamic behavior of GFP-tagged DNA repair proteins using real-time imaging techniques in the different cell types followed by immune-fluorescent labelling post-fixation. Profil recherché This internship will allow the selected student to improve his/her technical skills in cell biology and molecular biology, and to learn about immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy techniques. In addition, the candidate will acquire solid knowledge in radiobiology and DNA repair.We are seeking for highly motivated M2 student in biology / health sciences, with good knowledge in cellular and molecular biology and a strong inclination for microscopy. TélétravailNon Diversité La diversité est une des composantes de la politique RSE, RH et Qualité de Vie au Travail à lIRSN.Nous accordons la même considération à toutes les candidatures, sans discrimination, pour inclure tous les talents.Quelles que soient les différences, nous souhaitons attirer, intégrer et fidéliser nos candidats et nos collaborateurs au sein dun environnement de travail inclusif.L'IRSN conduit une politique active depuis de nombreuses années en faveur de l'égalité des chances au travail et l'emploi des personnes handicapées. Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos éventuels besoins spécifiques afin que nous puissions les prendre en compte.Localisation du poste Localisation du posteEurope, France, Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-Seine


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